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As much of a statement as Doc Martens used to make, in retrospect, it’s interesting how peoples turned and abandoned their ”Docs”  from the turn of the century until now. And I’m not sure whether to attribute Doc Marten’s current revival to innocuous, rich girls(the irony of it all) or to throw props in the direction of some heartless ad exec that reinvigorated the brand with ads like:

kurt Ad

Either way, it’s probably a sad day for someone. The bottom line is though, Doc Martens look mad stunning with contrasting pieces and are no doubt a fashionable(unless with red laces) shit-kicking boot. And though fashionable and shit-kicking seems really oxymoronic a la Tommy Hilfiger challenging someone to a duel…Actually that’s my point exactly, I dig Doc’s comeback hard because over the years I have seen first hand how emasculating electro music can be. Like maybe some chunky, Mission Possible boots such as Docs will put that umph back into dude’s club grind a la H-Town’s ”Knocking the Boots” .

Yvonne, the deadly gorgeous face leering at the top of the blog was wearing Doc Marten’s that day (photographers own).  

Break Time, Yvonne

And in 2010, for their 50th anniversary,  Doc Martens will appropriately look as futuristic as the sound of “Twenty-Ten”. To kick off the celebrations, Doc Martens commissioned designers and artists to revamp their iconic 1460 mold.

 Levis Strauss Docs

Levi Strauss

Orla Kiehly Docs

Orla Kiehly

Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood

Puffy Docs

Sean Jean(Just another dope Puffy remix, but really this time)
